A more detailed overview of our curriculum can be obtained by contacting the nursery school directly.
Curriculum Intent
At Taywood, we have high aspirations for our children in what we want them to know, learn, experience, achieve and how they understand the world around them. We want them to know that they have a voice, are valued and can make an impact in the world as they grow. Our curriculum is focused around providing our children with language-rich, first-hand experiences, which in turn develops their personal development, cultural capital and their sense of awe and wonder. We aim for our children to have deeper learning experiences as they progress from Seedlings to our pre-school class, and have positive attitudes towards a variety of cultures, communities and lifestyles.
We know the importance of the prime areas of learning, and our sequential curriculum is designed to progressively promote communication and language, personal, social and emotional development and physical development on a daily basis. We know that these prime areas of learning are crucial to promote success in literacy, mathematics, understanding of the world and expressive arts and design. Through a broad, well-designed and progressive sequence of knowledge, skills and understanding, we aim for our children to be well prepared for their journey into primary school, regardless of their starting points.
Working closely with our parents and guardians, our local and wider community is central to our curriculum, as we understand the importance of working in partnership with parents for future success.
In each of our half–termly topics, developing communication and vocabulary is at the forefront of our curriculum, which provides children with the language they need to be successful learners. There is a carefully planned balance of fiction and non-fiction texts throughout the year, ensuring that there is progression in all prime and specific areas of learning, as well allowing all interests and learning styles to be encouraged and valued. Our Image of the Child encourages our children to become independent and curious learners. The Characteristics of Effective Learning are promoted in our curriculum, allowing children to explore and investigate, solve problems, question and think critically.
Please see our long-term plan for sequential learning across Seedlings, Orchard and Willow. Our qualified teachers and experienced early years practitioners carefully map knowledge, skills and understanding on a half-termly basis, and weekly planning is adapted to meet the needs of the children, ensuring that next steps in learning are accounted for. Teaching and learning also focuses around the interests of the children and opportunities for 'in-the-moment reflective' teaching are provided by our practitioners.