Orchard 2024 - 2025

The maintained nursery school education begins in the Orchard classroom, which typically educates children aged  2-3 years.  Our highly skilled and experienced practitioners deliver our curriculum under the guidance of qualified teachers. Together, we ensure that our children thrive in all areas of their learning, so they are ready for their next steps into the pre-school class.  

The Orchard provision is a language-rich and stimulating environment, providing our children with opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills and understanding, through both child and adult lead activities. The curriculum is designed to promote the prime areas of learning, alongside focused teaching sessions in phonics and mathematics, to improve the development of  communication and language.

Taywood caters for the needs of all children, providing a safe, caring and nurturing environment to help our children develop at every stage.

Children are free to run around our large open outdoor area; exploring our mud kitchen, pirate ship, bikes and trikes, small world, construction and develop physical confidence.  We also have a natural outdoor space for weekly Forest School sessions, with a qualified Forest School practitioner. 

 All children will be assigned a Key Worker, who will work closely with your child and be responsible for their emotional support, ensuring that they feel safe, cared for and understood.  Our Class Dojo app is used to provide updates about your child's day, including their learning progress over time. 

Please see our curriculum section of the website for more information on our 2-3 year old curriculum offer. 



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